Gurrelieder Triptych – Oil paint with Pyrography on Koa wood – 3 panels, each 48″ x 16″ x 1″
More Paintings
Kumu Hula
KUMU HULA DIGITAL PRINT Twelve female hula dancers are shown in a kneeling position, heads held in revenant positioning. The alignment of the twelve hula dancers is unifying as it provides a clear linear movement for the viewer. The use of color also creates a narrative of native Hawiian textile use and the historic importance of said garments. The overall…
Kilauea 2018
KILAUEA 2018 OIL PAINT WITH ON KOA WOOD The Kilauea Volcano is presented on a landscape of rich tropical hues. A bisecting line of fire provides a flutidy and warmth to the work. The movement of an erupting volcano is used to add a cuvealiner line to the overall work. It is through the use of landscape space that the…
Kanani kanalani #1
KANANI KANALANI #1 OIL WITH PYROGRAPHY ON MANGO WOOD Seen in this Pyrograph is the beautiful a talented Kanani, this work pays homage to the ancient Hawaiian dance called Hula. In the work you can see a presence of a powerful goddess, a strong woman with the elegance and grace of femininity. The hula dancer is decorated with traditional hula…
Palm Beach vertical
PALM BEACH VERTICAL OIL PAINT WITH ON MANGO WOOD The artist provides the viewer with the escape of a lifetime. Seated under the shadow of a mammoth palm tree is a simple beach umbrella and two chairs.While the rich blueness of the Pacific Ocean is seated in the background the viewer is presented with an opportunity to have a seat,…